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Christmas Ball

Available December 15th 2016! The e-book is free through Christmas, wherever it is available (Kindle, Nook, etc) Don't think I'll get it to Google Play, but we'll see. M3 (Book 3 of the Mermaid Adventure series) is taking so long, that most of 2016 has slipped by without more mermaid love! That's no good! So! I took a couple weeks "off" to pen "Christmas Ball - A Mermaid Story." A fun little adventure to tide us over until M3 is finished. The reason it is called M4+, is because for our mermaids to experience Christmas, it would have to take place after book 20 (or so). Because my books are about a week of the characters lives, and M3 is...

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M2 - The Mermaid's Apprentice Published

M2, the official name for the second book in the Mermaid Adventures stories now has a title, "The Mermaid's Apprentice," a cover and has been proofed in book form and is now available. (Whew!) On with M3! Currently it is available on as the paperback and e-book, as well as the two Google Play and Books e-book versions, plus a host of other locations. Note: This post was resurrected from my old site. It may not be the one that showed up on the site. The date of publication here is from when it was added to this site.

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Happy New Year - 2015!

"Mermaid Rising" is about to be released on the Kindle and a week or two later, the paperback will be available on Amazon. Looking back a year, it seems hard to believe that the idea that became "Mermaid Rising" is now in book form. Much has happened since then - I've become a writer, spending most of my time with a keyboard in lap and my iPad tipped up on a table somewhere. Putting out a book isn't an easy process, but a worthwhile one. I'm glad to have written it. I still laugh at some of the quirks of the characters. Reading the proof I had from the printer, I was still finding errors - but most importantly finding new things...

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Mermaid Rising Finished

My first book, Mermaid Rising is now complete. The cover chosen: I can say that it is beautiful. The darling little lady that graces the cover is a champ to let her pictures be used. And a bit of divine providence, that while I was shopping for a cover she on her own had some pictures of herself done as a mermaid. All done by the same photographer recommended to me as the one to do my cover.At nearly 102,000 words, which printed will be ~340 pages, Mermaid Rising is ready to go. The last tweak completed only last week, I've closed the book to further revisions. It's time to let the reader have it.The text is being finalized by...

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Mermaid Rising - Jill

Jill grows up in Boulder, Colorado unaware of her heritage. Her family wants her to experience life as a normal American girl. She meets friends, teaches others and is soon to enter High-School. Everything a normal American girl gets to do. Not everything is going to go as planned...

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