News — mermaid adventures RSS

Happy New Year - 2015!

"Mermaid Rising" is about to be released on the Kindle and a week or two later, the paperback will be available on Amazon. Looking back a year, it seems hard to believe that the idea that became "Mermaid Rising" is now in book form. Much has happened since then - I've become a writer, spending most of my time with a keyboard in lap and my iPad tipped up on a table somewhere. Putting out a book isn't an easy process, but a worthwhile one. I'm glad to have written it. I still laugh at some of the quirks of the characters. Reading the proof I had from the printer, I was still finding errors - but most importantly finding new things...

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Mermaid Rising - Jill

Jill grows up in Boulder, Colorado unaware of her heritage. Her family wants her to experience life as a normal American girl. She meets friends, teaches others and is soon to enter High-School. Everything a normal American girl gets to do. Not everything is going to go as planned...

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