Mermaid 2 Goes to the Editor

Big news, finally M2 is at the Editor!

M2 has been given a title - "The Mermaid's Apprentice."

It is hard to believe for me that the book is "almost" done. The Editor has up to 25 days to get it back to me, so we're probably looking at sometime in October for the release. The paperback book will be available on Amazon for $14.99, and the e-book for $5.99 from various e-book vendors.

I'm still pondering title for book 2. I'll update here and / or on Facebook when I know.  

M2 has been given a title - "The Mermaid's Apprentice."

My original ideas fell short, and with the help of an author forum the Writers' Cafe @ These wonderful people helped me see the obvious, Melanie has an apprentice. What a great title, and one that hadn't been used before. Which I find surprising, since it is such a great title.

Note: This post was resurrected from my old site. It may not be the one that showed up on the site. The date of publication here is from when it was added to this site.

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